10 Best Friends Episodes According To IMDb

9. The One With Monica And Chandler's Wedding: Part 2 (IMDb Rating: 9.1)

Friends The Last One

After Chandler went missing in Part 1, the gang try to find him before Monica realises he's gone.

Ross and Phoebe find him in his office and convince him that it isn't a big deal, that getting married is just one step at a time. Chandler later overhears Phoebe saying Monica is pregnant and it looks like he might attempt to leave again.

In the meantime, Joey is stuck at work filming because his co-star is too drunk to get the scene right. Rachel takes it upon herself to find a new minister because they don't know if Joey will make it to perform the ceremony in time.

This episode is the pay-off for the long journey of Monica and Chandler's relationship. Monica has been openly dreaming about her wedding since she was a little girl, whilst Chandler is finally choosing to put aside his fears of commitment.

Gary Oldman does a great comic performance as Joey's co-star Richard, and the pay off of Joey's eventual appearance in his World War I uniform is great.

The episode ends the season with a great cliffhanger, setting up Rachel's storyline for the next series.

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Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.