10 Best Friends Episodes According To IMDb

5. The One With The Proposal (IMDb Rating: 9.2)

Friends The Last One

Richard has returned to Monica's life and tells her he wished they hadn't broken up, whilst Chandler has been telling Monica he's not the marrying type... as he's planning on proposing soon and wants it to be a surprise.

Monica naturally becomes confused by what to do as she begins to think that perhaps her and Chandler don't have much of future. Luckily, Joey is there to help Chandler realise that he might have gone too far, and luckily the couple manage to have their happy ending.

Phoebe and Rachel realise that they want to have a backup plan, in case either of them aren't engaged by the time they are 40. Phoebe has already bagged Joey as her back up, so Rachel decides to ask Ross, though he already has someone else.

This episode sees the return of Richard and perhaps gives some closure for his and Monica's romance. The eventual proposal is perfect for the pair. Given Monica's natural need to control it seems just right that she should take the lead. Who doesn't love a good sitcom proposal?!

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Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.