10 Best Friends Episodes According To IMDb

2. The Last One (IMDb Rating: 9.6)

Friends The Last One

The final episode was always going to be rated highly, and Friends did a great job with its last outing.

Monica and Chandler have been preparing their lives for the arrival of their adoptive baby when they learn that Erica has gone into labour. They are shocked to learn that she's actually pregnant with twins and they realise their family is about to double in size.

Ross realises that he's about to run out of time to tell Rachel how he really feels for her. Phoebe takes him on a race across the city to JFK airport so he can catch Rachel before she boards her flight to Paris. Unfortunately, they learn she's departing from Newark. Phoebe manages to speak to Rachel to urge her to get off the plane as she has a bad feeling about the flight and inadvertently causes a delay with take-off.

After rushing over and catching Rachel just before she's about to board again, Ross manages to tell her exactly how he feels. Will Rachel get off the plane or go to Paris?

"The Last One" is a rare thing of being an actually good sitcom finale. The last season builds perfectly so that each of the characters are given a satisfying ending. Erica's surprise in the delivery room and Rachel's answering machine to Ross allow our two favourite couples the perfect way to round off our story with them.

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Jen Gallie hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.