10 Best Game Of Thrones Episode Endings

1. Hardhome (Season 5, Episode 8)

Hodor Game Of Thrones

The Ending: Jon Snow travels to Hardhome to save the wildlings, but just as they are about to leave Hardhome, white walkers attack. Jon fights off some white walkers, but thousands are killed. The Night King raises those massacred from the dead, adding to his army, as Jon and the few remaining survivors sail away.

Why It's Great: Like I said, surprises. This massacre literally comes out of nowhere.

The entire Hardhome sequence-from the moment the screams of those trapped behind the doors suddenly falls silent-is one of the most intense, action-packed, spectacularly directed and jaw-dropping sequences to ever grace our television screens.

But the true highlight is that final shot of the survivors escaping as the Night King raises his army, with nothing but the chilling sound of the wind, will send chill down anyone's spine. It made everyone's jaws drop, and that's how you should end an episode.

What do you think is Game of Thrones' best episode ending? Let us know down in the comments.


Aaron Kirby hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.