10 Best Game Of Thrones Episode Endings

2. The Rains Of Castamere (Season 3, Episode 9)

Hodor Game Of Thrones

The Ending: Two words: Red. Wedding. Walder Frey betrays the Starks for not fulfilling their promise of Robb marrying one of his daughters. Talisa is stabbed in the stomach, killing her and her unborn child. Catelyn begs for her son's life, threatening to kill Walder Frey's wife Lady Joyeuse, but to no avail as Roose Bolton stabs Robb in the heart. Finally, Cateltyn slices Joyeuse's throat, and silently grieves for a few moments before her own throat is sliced. Then it fades to black.

Why It's Great: If Ned's death was just a warning, then this was the real kicker

You all knew this one was coming. Game of Thrones has practically become synonymous with the Red Wedding, because it has everything you'd expect from Game of Thrones. Not dragons and battles, no. It has betrayal. Bloodshed. Shock factor. Incredible acting. It hits you right where it hurts most. And it pulls the rug right from under you and surprises you.

And that's what Game of Thrones is about: Surprises.


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