10 Best Gotham Episodes

5. The Blind Fortune Teller

Gotham Season 5 Cast Portrait

Easily one of the most memorable episodes throughout the whole show, and the first appearance of Jerome 'I killed my mother' Valeska. The interrogation scene, in particular, is the most goosebump-inducing, hair standing on end moment, and no matter how many times you watch it, it's terrifying, exciting and always satisfying.

Those crocodile tears and low sobbing contorting into this wide sadistic grin before steadily evolving into maniacal laughter is absolutely fantastic! All the while his newly discovered father sits uncomfortably next to him, a slight smirk playing on the corner of his lips.

During this, Jim Gordon and Leslie Thompkins look extremely uncomfortable as they watch their interviewee twist into this laughing maniac. It's a perfect moment, and one that really cements Jerome as the character to watch, or at least to keep both eyes on at all times.

Through the diabolical laughter, and the murder most foul, you are still able to get a sense of what Jerome's childhood was like, and it's an interesting angle. He was clearly lied to by his mother about his father, and it is beyond clear that they didn't have the best relationship in the world. Hence why he took an axe to her.

But we can't give Jerome all the credit. The scene in which Bruce Wayne attends a board meeting is another highlight. To observe all those business executives being all polite while the young Wayne displays a quiet confidence and authority is quite the picture. To see their faces shift in surprise as he announces his true intentions - you can almost see them begin to sweat.

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Batman Gotham
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