10 Best It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia Side Characters
5. Uncle Jack Kelly

At first, it felt like uncle Jack Kelly was going to be a single one-note joke. His obviously predatory presence towards Charlie made it clear that he may be responsible for some of the fan favourite characters issues. However, as he appeared more and more, he eventually became a much deeper and dynamic presence in the show.
Although he still retains a lot of the original joke, Jack Kelly acts now more as a pathetic lawyer who struggles at his job in defending The Gang, leading to so many brilliant moments within the show. Additionally, his obsession with how small his hands are has been one of the series best running jokes.
It's great that the writers decided to go further with this character, as the actor Andrew Friedman is a pleasant presence in any project he is involved in. They really ran with him and made him much better than what seemed to be initially planned, whilst still retaining what his purpose was in the first place.