10 Best Leading Ladies On TV Right Now

2. Amy Poehler (Leslie - Parks and Recreation)

amy poehler The premise of Parks and Recreation doesn't make it exactly sound like the laugh-fest that it is, and at the heart of it all is Amy Poehler in the role of her career as Leslie Knope. It's rare that a character like Leslie Knope, strong-minded, hard-working and obsessed with doing the right and honourable thing, can also bring some of the biggest laughs of their series, but that is the power of Amy Poehler in this role. The power of Leslie Knope is that as a viewer we always root for her, whether in her career as she progresses to the role of city councilwoman or in her relationship with Ben Wyatt who we eventually see her married to in the show's fifth season, because we know that at the heart of it she is just like us. Seeing her fumble her way through a typical work day or just tucking into a waffle, it's impossible not to fall in love with Leslie Knope as you watch Parks and Recreation, which is a testament to Amy Poehler's abilities as a comic actress.

My name is Daniel and I live in Newcastle. Nothing makes me happier than excellent pop music, big hair or a C-list celebrity having a Twitter meltdown.