10 Best Legend Of Korra Moments

2. Korra's Introduction - Welcome To Republic City

Legend of Korra
Nickelodeon Animation Studio

When introducing a character, it's important that you make the audience aware of everything relevant to the audience about their personality and goals in as short a time as possible.

This being the team behind two of the greatest cartoons of all time, they of course manage one sentence: a little girl knocking down a wall screaming "I'm the avatar, you gotta deal with it!"

This one line tells you everything about Korra. She's in LOVE with bending, she adores being the avatar, she's loud, she's tough, and she doesn't give a hoot what you think. In other words, exactly the opposite from Aang in every good way.

Aside from being a hilarious way to introduce our new heroine, this is some of the tightest writing this author has ever seen. Further driven home by the show immediately jumping ahead a decade after this line. Because that's really all you need to know about her before we get to the action. She's the avatar and you gotta deal with it.

And hoo boy, does the universe take her up on that.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?