Surprisingly, Mark Gatiss produced a stellar episode during the show's seventh run, one which his past escapades failed to match. The Crimson Horror was another example of laugh-out-loud humour as the Paternoster Gang, and in particular Jenny, took the forefront. These three characters vary public opinion, but they somehow worked brilliantly in this tale. The Crimson Horror gave viewers an insight into how the Paternoster Gang work together and the fantastic acting by all included should be lauded. They, and Smith, made what is otherwise a rather boring tale into one extremely memorable. These four actors made this macabre episode deliciously camp which more than made up for the poor reveal of Mr Sweet. Diana Rigg was likewise brilliant as Mrs Gillyflower; her portrayal of deranged, strong willed biddies is exceptional. Just look at Game of Thrones€™ Olenna.