10 Best Minor Seinfeld Characters

6. The Soup Nazi

Seinfeld Timmy


That said, his character in the show was hilarious, his Nazi-esq way of running his restaurant and the treatment of the customers went down in sitcom legend as one of the best parodies of a real person ever.

In the episode, everybody has to line up and get their soup in turn without ever doing anything or saying anything outside of what their order was. Elaine then challenges this and is banned for a year, however, through Kramer she discovers all the recipes in an old cabinet given to Kramer by The Soup Nazi. Using these as leverage, Elaine forces him to close and move to Argentina with her threat of revealing his recipes.

The fact that the real person was able to confront Jerry Seinfeld over the portrayal makes the episode even better when you re-watch it with this information.

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