10 Best Moments From Spider-Man The Animated Series

8. Spider-Men - Episode “I Really, Really Hate Clones”, Season 5

Spider-Man The Animated Series

Armored Spider-Man? Check. Six-Armed Spider-Man? Check. Spider-Man with Doc Ock tentacles? Check, check, and check. This was one of the biggest 'nerd-out' moments the series ever produced. Spider-Men from alternate realities: What more could you want?

Christopher Daniel Barnes must have had a blast voicing different versions of his character in this scene, and it shows. From the arrogance of Armored Spidey to the meek and timid 'Powerless One', and just the sheer joy of seeing the actor play against himself.

The writers also dodge the bullet of making these Spider-Men glorified cameos as well, with each getting their own hints of personality to show off. For instance, Octo-Spidey sounds almost sinister when he says his arms were a gift from his last battle with Doc Ock, and looking back it is really a nice touch.

It is the notion of what could have been explored with these characters that makes this scene so tantalizing, allowing the audience's imagination to do the work (seriously, how did Spidey get Ock tentacles? The people must know!)

This is more of a visual treat of a scene than anything, as seeing these great versions of our beloved character interacting with each other is something that never happened on screen before, and Barne's vocal performance shines throughout.

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Contact centre advisor by day, Horror fanatic by night. Lover of puns always. Big kid at heart with a huge passion for all things nerdy; gaming, TV shows, and films. Also considers Spider-Man to be the greatest superhero of all time.