10 Best Monsters Of The Week In Buffy The Vampire Slayer

6. Holden Webster

Buffy Gnarl

Holden Webster is tough character to categorise. He is technically a monster of the week, but he's part of an episode which is full of great antagonists, moments of horror and some pretty major reveals. That being said, thanks to a fabulous performance by Jonathan M. Woodward (who was so good in the role that Joss Whedon had him cast in the Buffy spin-off, Angel) and the unique nature of his character, he makes this list with ease.

Holden is a vampire who Buffy meets on one of her patrols. At first, he's seen as another brief fight for Buffy to inevitably win, but he cannot get out of his grave. It's funny at first, but the whole thing turns serious when he and Buffy realise they went to school together and begin to talk about their lives.

It's a sweet moment in a relatively devastating episode, but what Holden so unique and menacing is his ability to converse with Buffy - offering advice and being kind - but still remain sure that he's going to kill her. His obvious charm and instant likeability make him the perfect villain to make Buffy and the audience comfortable with the situation, but his dark, soulless nature is just enough to shock us and remind the audience that he is still a vampire.

He also gets bonus points for being sired by Spike (brainwashed) and for revealing the big secret of the episode regarding his sire.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool. Every great film should seem new every time you see it. Be excellent to each other.