10 Best Monsters Of The Week In Buffy The Vampire Slayer

5. Ted

Buffy Gnarl
20th Television

Ted was effective in a few different ways. On the one hand, his seemingly kind and polite demeanor is so well performed by the brilliant John Ritter, it's not clear whether Buffy really is paranoid about his true evil intentions or not. On the other hand, his cold and abusive nature is made ten times more effective and cold when you consider how devastating his presence was to Buffy and her poor mother.

Introduced as a new love interest to Joyce Summers, Ted is a fantastic salesman, a nice and well rounded guy, and is beloved by everyone he comes across - including Buffy's closest friends. But when he shows he has an angry streak to Buffy, who he catches cheating at crazy golf, it becomes clear that he's more than just a standard villain and proves to be one of Buffy's most personal challenges on the show.

Although the reveal that he's some of robot is a little bit tacky, it's also kind of cool, adding a new layer to the Buffy canon we could enjoy and ponder on. Whether you like the reveal or not, Ritter's performance cannot be denied, and Ted is one of the worst things Buffy has ever faced.


I get to write about what I love, so that's pretty cool.