10 Best Movies Actors Did After The Walking Dead

8. The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013) - Jon Bernthal

Mayhem Steven Yeun
Paramount Pictures

The Wolf of Wall Street is so engrained in our minds because of Leonardo DiCaprio's hysterical performance and the excessive nature of the themes and tone, that it can be hard to remember just how many actors turn up during the film's three-hour runtime.

Outside of DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Matthew McConaughey, Margot Robbie and so, so many more, the deliciously over-the-top Scorsese dramedy also stars Jon Bernthal as Brad Bodnick, a member of Jordan Belfort's original group who ends up in jail after a deal-gone-wrong with Hill's Donnie Azoff.

Bernthal gets a few memorable scenes to strut his stuff, showing off the same intensity and explosive acting style that made his two-season stint as Shane Walsh such a Walking Dead fan favourite. The rest of the film is fast, hilarious insanity front to back, boasting a stellar cast and some top-notch writing. It's really not hard to see why it's as popular as it is.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.