10 Best Netflix Comedy Specials Of 2020
Here's some of the best stand up on Netflix because...god do we all need a laugh right now.

So...let's just get this out of the way, alright: things aren't particularly fun right now, are they? So we'd say it's pretty safe to say that we're all in need of good goddamn laugh considering the fact that hope and love continue to dwindle as we roll down on our perpetual descent into madness and chaos...okay, we'll do this over. Ahem.
Netflix have gradually built up one hell of a repertoire of stand up specials - go check the Wikipedia page and come back in a week once you're done reading it. It's gotten to the point now that, for a lot of comedians, getting a Netflix special could potentially be the launchpad for a hugely successful career. So we've went through the literal millions of Netflix stand up specials to find the very best, which we present to you now.
Now, just before we continue, we just want to say that, yes, given the billions of specials on Netflix the chances are high that we haven't included your favourite on here, but there's one big exclusion: Dave Chappelle. There's no negative reason for us not including him. It's just this: he's the GOAT, man, we all know his work is incredible, so we didn't feel the need to include him here. Consider it an INCREDIBLY HONORABLE MENTION, the man is a legend.
Instead we've went for people who've done stuff a bit different, or who are the top of their class, or maybe dug just a little bit deeper...
10. Tom Segura - Ball Hog

"If you don't know who Big Daddy Kane is you can go..." and we're not allowed to finish that quote, but you know where it was going. After what feels like an age the reigning master of relatable filth has made a come back, and in such glorious fashion.
Tom Segura has gained a reputation for being the comedian who says the kind of stuff you maybe say behind someone's back...but on stage and on TV in front of millions of people. He retains this reputation by opening Ball Hog by telling the audience that he doesn't miss his wife at all whilst on tour, but don't worry, he pretends to on the phone.
Segura has also always had a knack for relaying what should be the most reprehensible of tales and making them entirely relatable, and that's in full force in Ball Hog when Segura details his inability to swear at his mother...so he resorts to psychological warfare instead.
The highlight of the whole show is a story Segura tells regarding his mother never supporting his dreams and his realisation that you should always encourage someone's aspirations...which he puts into practice...in somewhat unconventional fashion...it's graphic. And, in classic Segura fashion, he makes sure to drop a golden age hip hop reference - this time Wu-Tang Clan.
Get this on, as soon as you can, but make sure no children are present because although Wu-Tang is for the children, Ball Hog is not. And if you don't get that reference, you can go...