10 Best Netflix Comedy Specials Of 2020
9. Sarah Silverman - A Speck Of Dust

Sarah Silverman has been, for her entire career, the reigning queen of the filthy, the smutty and the sickening. That's no bad thing, and that crown isn't going anywhere quickly - to any woman or man.
A Speck of Dust showcases every one of Silverman's talents, whilst also adding a few more to that already vast set of skills. Silverman somehow manages to jump from scatological humour to making astute, thoughtful - though still dark and funny as hell - observations on women's reproductive rights, racism, anti-semitism and god knows how many other topics.
It's often said that the best comedians are those who make it seem as though everything they're saying is completely off the top of their heads and this is something Silverman displays to a goddamn tee. There are a number of times throughout this special that Silverman seems to flub a line or make any number of mistakes before having it seamlessly transition into her next bit. One example of this is when Silverman draws attention to a comedy convention - she does this often - called a "throw away joke"...which she then manages to turn into a five minute bit about cocaine addicted squirrels...there's no way to explain that.
If you ain't sold already, well, she also perfectly explains Brexit whilst under the influence of anaesthetic before undergoing surgery, but that's at the end, so...guess you gotta watch it!