10 Best New TV Characters Of 2018 (So Far)

9. Braniac 5 - Supergirl

Best TV Characters 2018
The CW

Showing up on Supergirl’s midseason premiere, Brainiac 5 was the Legion of Super-Heroes’ quirky but effective AI. A twelfth-level intellect, he was always on hand to provide the team with expert advice whenever necessary, proving his worth to the show’s main team of Supergirl and the DEO.

Although Brainy wasn’t just all knowledge, as he provided us with some of the season’s most humorus moments. His calm approach and deadpan delivery of certain lines made him one of the season’s most enjoyable aspects. Moreover, his obliviousness to human sentiment and behaviour made for some hilarious moments between him and Winn. Actor Jesse Rath portrayed the mannerisms with perfection and ended up stealing quite a few scenes throughout the season.

As he was a recurring character, we never really had the opportunity to find out much about him. Thankfully, we may get the chance to know Brainy better later this year as Rath has been promoted to a series regular next season.


Stephen Patterson is an experienced writer and reviewer. He's also a TV addict.