10 Best Nickelodeon Live-Action Shows

4. The Amanda Show

AmandashowSeries Run: 1999-2002 (40 episodes) We are now entering hallowed ground on this list, and The Amanda Show showcased just how funny a kids show could be. Featuring pre-crazy Amanda Bynes as the host of an irreverent sketch show, the Dan Schneider created program (and spin-off of All That) still holds up as a surreal skewering of a TV show. Bynes and company had surprising versatility, which is of the utmost importance in a variety show, but the fact that there were so many memorable recurring characters helped each performer find their niche. Just a few examples of classic sketches: Judge Trudy, Blockblisters, So You Want to Win Five Dollars, The Extremes, and Drake Bell's Kyle Rostensan were all highlights. Some people will likely take issue with the fact that it was a show geared towards kids and think that I am piling on effusive praise for a show that was littered with canned laughter, but if you look back on the show it was more subversive than you will remember. Littered with innuendo and drug-related humor, I was impressed that the show got away with as much as it did. The fact that a lot of sketches were one-joke ponies didn't matter because their one joke was funny enough to carry the sketch. Now bring on the dancing lobsters.
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Bryan Hickman is a WhatCulture contributor residing in Vancouver, British Columbia. Bryan's passions include film, television, basketball, and writing about himself in the third person.