10 Best One-Time Characters In Red Dwarf

7. Elvis Presley

Red Dwarf Legion

One of the Dwarf crew's wackier adventures, season IV's finale, 'Meltdown', features a theme park named Waxworld on an Earth-like planet inhabited solely by the park's wax droids, modelled after famous historical figures. These droids are self-aware, having learnt to break their programming after three-million years, and are divided into two factions at war with each other.

One of the survivors of the 'good' faction is an Elvis Presley droid, who becomes Rimmer's second-in-command when the crew get involved in the battle. His trademark charisma and theatricality is so completely out of place in a war setting that it's constantly amusing to watch his classic stage antics play out on screen.

The portrayal also pokes fun at Presley's less glamorous moments, too, such as when he asks, "Anyone got a burger? Haven't eaten in fiiiiiiive minutes".

By the end of the battle, Rimmer's ruthless leadership results in all of the droids on both sides melting, effectively leaving the planet devoid of intelligent life. As the credits roll, however, the audience is treated to one last appearance by the King himself, singing a rendition of the show's ending theme.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.