10 Best One-Time Characters In Red Dwarf

6. Triplicated Crews

Red Dwarf Legion

In an attempt to rid themselves of their food shortage problem, the crew test out a device called a triplicator, intended to create two perfect copies of an item. But when Lister tries it out on a strawberry, he finds that one of them is perfect and succulent, while the other is rotten and maggot-infested. He then suggests reversing the polarity of the device, which causes it to explode.

They soon find that the triplicator has created two full-scale copies of Red Dwarf: one good, and one bad. On the good ship, benevolent, monk-like versions of themselves entertain them with interpretative dance. Unfortunately, they also need the triplicator from the bad ship, and Lister is immediately captured and tortured by the 'evil' crew members:

There's himself, of course, with black teeth and an overactive trigger finger; the Cat, feral and sabre-toothed; Kryten, whose casing is splattered with dirt; and Rimmer, dressed in S&M gear and wielding a holo-whip. Truly disturbing.

Once the triplicator is repaired, the two Red Dwarf copies are erased along with all of their polarising denizens. Evil Lister, however, stows away aboard the real Red Dwarf - though is quickly disposed of with one clean bazookoid blast.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.