10 Best One-Time Characters In Red Dwarf

5. Legion

Red Dwarf Legion

Series VI sees the crew relocate to the smaller ship, Starbug, having lost Red Dwarf during their time in suspended animation. Their search leads them to a space station, on which they meet the mysterious humanoid organism, Legion.

He quickly sets them up with rooms filled with their literal greatest desires, as well as upgrading Rimmer from a soft-light hologram to hard-light, effectively giving him a physical presence. After a rather messy meal involving antimatter chopsticks, Kryten begins to suspect that things are too good to be true. Seconds later, Legion drops the bombshell that they must stay here for the rest of their lives.

As they try to escape, Legion's mask falls off, revealing his face to be a combination of Lister, Kryten, Rimmer and the Cat. He is a gestalt entity, made up of many consciousnesses and unable to exist without a host to embody. One by one, Kryten knocks out his crew members until Legion is merely an identical copy of him, at which point, being a mechanoid, he is obliged to allow his humanoid superiors to be on their way.

One of the more unique episodes of the series, 'Legion' stands out as one of the show's all-time greatest.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.