10 Best Parks And Recreation Guest Stars
6. J.K. Simmons
JK Simmons played Mayor Stice, the current Mayor of Partridge, Minnesota, and Ben Wyatt's memorable hometown. When Ben was 18 he was elected Mayor of Partridge and spent all the money on building ice-town, which led them to disaster and ruin.
Mayor Stice invites Ben back home to give him the key to the city and put the whole incident behind them, though his real intention is to give him a key made of water, and therefore representing the lost hopes and dreams of the residents. He then refuses to give Ben the key to the city in a private ceremony, causing Leslie to steal it anyway.
Having a guy like J.K Simmons in the show was a real plus because of just how great he is as an actor and how beloved he is among a wider audience. He brought his own brand of stern and comedy-seriousness to Mayor Stice, which is something that J.K. Simmons has perfected over the years.