10 Best Parks And Recreation Guest Stars

4. Paul Rudd

andy samberg parks and rec

When casting for a real guest star that'll make appearances in multiple episodes across a few seasons and become a cousin-esq member of the family, you go to Paul Rudd. That's just a fact.

He did the same thing in Friends when he married Phoebe Buffay, becoming an actual member of the gang in the process, albeit loosely. So, when he showed up as loveable dim-wit Bobby Newport, it was hard not to instantly adore him.

Yes, he was running against her and caused her a few problems along the way, but none of it was done out of malice. He was just a man-child who wanted his Dad to be proud of him.

The fact that at the end of the series he marries Shauna Malwae-Tweep and they both are happy is just the icing on the cake for Bobby and the series. It was hard making Bobby not come across like the enemy when it could so easily have gone that way, but when you have a guy like Paul Rudd you also get his likeability factor, which helped bring Bobby across no end.


Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.