10 Best Performances In Prison Break

7. Brad Bellick - Wade Williams

Prison Break

Amidst the colourful prisoners Michael encountered during his time at Fox River, the guards who stood out had to have something about them. For Wade Williams, he embodied all those army drill sergeants and prison wardens from films of yesteryear and rolled them up into the ferocious bulldog that was Brad Bellick.

Not content with just playing a mean-faced guard who was always lurking round the corners of Fox River, Brad Bellick was also an obsessed, intelligent, manipulative and (at times) pitiful character who only seemed to evolve more as his time on the series progressed.

From a screaming prison guard, to eventually an ally within Scofield's crew, the evolution of Bellick was probably the most noticeable, and it was thanks to Wade Williams' portrayal of the character. When he wasn't barking like a dog at the inmates, he was a nervous and mumbling wreck that showed a lot of vulnerabilities - particularly towards the end of the character's run.

While the character might have been somewhat neutered towards the end, there was something endearing and redemptive about Wade Williams' portrayal and his noble sacrifice for the greater good was a nice transition from antagonist to hero.

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Prison Break
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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!