10 Best Performances In Prison Break

8. Lechero - Robert Wisdom

Prison Break

Season three's gearshift into a new prison added a whole new deck of characters for the show to work with, and given the premise of the No-Man's Land prison that was SONA, it needed a menacing de facto leader. That leader came in the form of prison overlord Lechero, played by The Wire's Robert Wisdom.

What was striking about the character was that he was essentially warden, guard and crime boss all rolled into one and while it might have been easier to retread the likes of Abruzzi, Bellick or Warden Pope - what the show did instead was create an individual who thrived better in prison, than on the outside.

Robert Wisdom played the role much like a warlord, and it worked brilliantly. His immediate dislike towards Michael, dishing out suffering and violence to the other inmates, and his fragile power of the entire prison itself, all served as great character development that actually benefited a clumsy third season.

While the character of Lechero did inhabit a limited shelf-life, he was a welcomed presence on screen amidst the cold-turkey Mahone, beaten Bellick and bland Whistler. Robert Wisdom is a veteran actor, and played his role perfectly.

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Prison Break
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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!