10 Best Performances In Prison Break

5. Haywire - Silas Weir Mitchell

Prison Break

We often forget this guy was one of the Fox River Eight!

When audiences first met Charles 'Haywire' Patoshik, he was seen as an unhinged obstacle in Michael's Fox River escape plan. A man of habit and medication, it was only a matter of time before he was dealt with semi-permanently.

Silas Weir Mitchell's portrayal could have been disregarded and not made it onto this list. While his story didn't cross over with any of the other fugitives that much at all, it didn't make him any less compelling and it's thanks to Silas' performance as a naive and misunderstood character that gives this portrayal some weight.

Silas Mitchell's bug-eyed stares and childlike wonder make Haywire come off as a harmless adult stuck in adolescence, but as the character's tragic backstory unfolds we do legitimately sympathize with the poor soul. Albeit he is still a murderer, but Haywire wasn't as visceral or hateful as John Abruzzi or T-Bag.

As far as lower-tier characters go, Haywire circled the drain somewhere alongside Tweener (another Fox River Eight fugitive). But while Tweener was an embarrassing character to watch on screen, there was something disarming and engaging about Haywire and his unpredictable mannerisms.

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Prison Break
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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!