10 Best Performances In Prison Break

4. Alex Mahone - William Fichtner

Prison Break

After the Fox River Eight escaped at the end of the first season, the second season's focus on the prisoners on the lamb needed an intriguing and gripping character for audiences to follow as the manhunt ensued. The show presented audiences with a "hero", and what hunted Scofield and his cohorts was a tour de force of a character.

William "Oh, it's that guy!" Fitchtner played FBI agent Alex Mahone - a competent character who proved himself almost immediately as the foil to Michael Scofield.

Right out the gate, we like William Fichtner's portrayal of Mahone - he was a methodical and careful character who (throughout the second season at least) became undone and unhinged, as he struggled to corner the last of the Fox River Eight. His own personal demons surfaced, and Fichtner evolved into a criminal himself.

The corrupted hunter who was once an enemy to the brothers, eventually became a very trusted ally when The Company turned against him and arranged the murder of his son - a sequence in which William Fichter exhibits real anger and pain.

A once antagonistic figure became one of the main heroes, and we loved him every step of the way.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!