10 Best Pike Moments In Star Trek Discovery

4. If Memory Serves

Captain Pike

If Memory Serves is something of a direct sequel to The Cage. The episode opens with a reminder of the events of that episode, leading up to the discovery of the Talosians, the encounter with Vina and the attempts by the Enterprise crew to save Pike from captivity.

The episode then jumps into Discovery's timeline and, while the change in appearances, costume and technology is jarring, it actually serves as a loving tribute to the original failed pilot.

Vina, originally played by Susan Oliver and now played by Melissa George, appears to Pike in his ready room. This is perhaps one of the most tender moments that Discovery offers to the captain, as there is little delay in the pair of them telling each other how they feel.

In the Original Series, Pike was returned to Talos in The Menagerie, when Spock broke Starfleet rules to get the mangled Pike back there. We see Pike and Vina reunited, happy at last.

If Memory Serves builds on this, confirming that Pike has often thought of Vina in his private thoughts, still longing for that moment when they could be together again. He wanted her to come with him, but her condition wouldn't allow it. They may only have a short time together, yet it is enough to remind older viewers and inform newer viewers that Pike has a great love out there and one day, he will return to her.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick