10 Best Rick And Morty Characters Who Only Appeared Once

1. Unity

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Unity is responsible for one of the most tragic moments of Rick & Morty as a series because when she ends her relationship with Rick he tries to kill himself.

She is a hive-mind that infects planets and takes over all of the people on it to become one with herself. She is Rick's ex-girlfriend when we meet her and they quickly demonstrate why they were together in the first place, which is that they both have a streak in them that means that they both get as messed up as possible to impress the other. It could actually be considered a form of addiction.

We see Rick and Unity get back together and enjoy their time as they get more and more wild with their partying, taking more and more drugs, as well as her indulging all of Rick's wildest sex fantasies.

However, when push comes to shove Unity realises that they are bad together and leaves the planet whilst Rick is sleeping. Her note to him as to why they can't work is really heartfelt and sad, as we realise that the difference between them is that Rick will end up killing himself rather than stop so long as Unity is with him.

Unity was the best because she was funny and above all a fully realised character that cares for Rick. She was also beautifully voiced by Christina Hendricks.


Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.