10 Best Rick And Morty Characters Who Only Appeared Once

2. Sleepy Gary

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Adult Swim

Sleepy Gary and Jerry on a yacht. Should anything more be said? It's one of the most totally off the wall and still typical-Jerry moments in the show.

After the house becomes infested with shape-shifting, memory altering parasites, Rick locks down the house until he can work out who is real and who isn't. One of those characters is Sleepy Gary, Jerry's gay lover.

Jerry has never shown any signs of homosexuality before or since which is what makes it so totally random, yet because this is Rick & Morty, it is completely passable. Why Jerry thought he started a gay love affair with Sleepy Gary is anyone's guess, mostly because he is always shown to be so clingy to Beth all the time. However, he seems genuinely upset when Gary is revealed to be a parasite.

Sleepy Gary wasn't great because he has a major impact on the show, he is great because he doesn't. Jerry is never shown to be having feelings for another man ever again, which means that his love for Sleepy Gary must have been very strong in order to cheat on his wife that he clearly adores. As well as that, Jerry's love affair is a genuine WTF moment in the series, which just makes it all the funnier when Sleepy Gary turns out to be a parasite.


Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.