10 Best Rick And Morty Characters Who Only Appeared Once

3. Water T

Rick And Morty Ice T
Adult Swim

How can you not love Ice T in Rick and Morty? When giant alien heads appear from the sky demanding that they hear a song, Rick gets right on it, and along with Morty, they begin working on material for their show.

Unfortunately, the Grammys has had some kind of major incident where every great singer-songwriter had died and Ice T is the only one left. Ice T turns out to be an alien that is frozen into his shape and travels through the universe, exiled from his home planet of Alphabetrium.

He helps Rick but is just awful at composing a song, which is when he reveals his true nature to Rick as an apathetic alien. He flies away to save himself from the giant heads, leaving Earth doomed.

However, for no reason at all when the heads decide to destroy Earth because of Rick's bad song, he returns to take the full blast and protect the Earth claiming that 'he cares now'.

He is later shown to have been allowed to return to his homeworld and de-iced to his true form Water T.

The brilliance of Ice T's role in the episode all comes from the fact that it makes no sense. However, it doesn't have to because he saves the Earth and everybody on it from certain death. Which again makes no sense but is still hilarious.


Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.