10 Best Rick And Morty Episodes
6. The Wedding Squanchers
The brilliance of this season finale episode is that it features almost every part of what makes the show so fantastic. There is action, great comedy, cosmic idealism and overall brilliant character work.
As the title would lead you to believe this episode features a wedding, the wedding of Rick's best friend Bird Person, a fan favourite character who's appearance is always a pleasure. The episodes first moments are a pure delight; the impression of the wedding, seeing Rick begin to enjoy something he has no time for in order to please his friend, generally a significant amount of fun, that is until the mid-episode reveal.
Tammy (the blushing bride) reveals herself as a Galactic Federation Agent and destroys the wedding to capture the illustrious space criminal Rick Sanchez and the other like-minded rebels. Bird Person is killed alongside Squanchy and many other revolutionaries. Rick and his family flee.
We then get another fun sequence in which the family attempt to find a new planet to live on, continually discovering things about the planets that make them inhabitable. All of the worlds are animated and executed to perfection.
The episode ends with a shocking cliff hanger where Rick sacrifices himself to allow his family to return peacefully to earth. Although his motives are ret-conned in the opening of series three, this moment still bears some tremendous emotional significance.