10 Best Rick And Morty Parody Episodes

6. Look Who’s Purging Now

Rick And Morty Jurassic Park
Adult Swim

With the title having a direct connection to the movie that it is parodying, it was always obvious what was coming from Rick and Morty in, Look Who's Purging Now.

When Rick and Morty land on a planet that is inhabited by a race of cat-like humanoid creatures, Rick soon realises that this is a 'purge planet' and wants to stay to witness the event. Unfortunately, Morty forces Rick to save an attractive young woman who ends up taking Rick's ship and leaving them for dead. Rick and Morty eventually fight their way through the purge of the planet and level up with weaponised battle suits.

The episode lightly follows the main plot of The Purge, though they never got battle suits in that film, and also showcases that Morty has pent up a lot of rage over his home life, which forces him to later explode in a fit of violent aggression.

Seeing Rick and Morty put into that situation and building their way up from being left for dead, without any of their usual gadgets, to killing everything that poses a threat to them with their battle suits, serves as a satisfying conclusion to a tense episode.


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