10 Best Rick And Morty Parody Episodes

7. Auto Erotic Assimilation

Rick And Morty Jurassic Park
Adult Swim

Whilst it isn't the main focus of the episode, Auto Erotic Assimilation is a clear parody of the film Invasion of the Body Snatchers - as well as a slight nudge toward The Borg in Star Trek.

Rick, Morty, and Summer are on an adventure in space when they come across a race of people that are all acting as one. It is then that the 'hive mind' reveals herself to be Rick's ex-girlfriend, Unity.

As Rick and Unity get back together for what can only be described as a drug-fuelled sex fest, Morty and Summer start to realise that Rick is bad for Unity as she holds together a planet otherwise engaged in a brutal race war. Unity eventually leaves Rick after coming to the same realisation, which causes Rick to try and commit suicide.

The episode is a classic Rick and Morty adventure and has some of the best laughs in the season, but it also has an ending that is emotionally brutal on both Rick and the audience.


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