10 Best Riker Episodes In Star Trek

9. The Outcast

Star Trek The Next Generation Riker

Until the release of Discovery, Star Trek had a very patchy history with LGBTQ+ issues. Several actors have gone on record saying that they had tried in their own ways to push more representation through but were met with a wall from people at the top. As there is no hard evidence to support this, it must be taken as anecdotal, however the lack of episodes showing representation was extremely few.

The Outcast falls in the Next Generation's fifth season and is a parable for Trans experience, albeit told through the Sci-Fi lens. Making the race a-gendered heightens the sense of abnormality when Soren confesses her belief that she is female. To have this played against Riker, again the womaniser with a heart of gold, is both a touching and slightly dark depiction.

Much like the previous entry, his very reputation as womaniser is put on trial - he is the one to explain the difference between genders to Soren. It is very interesting to see Riker describe the differences as he sees them, as despite his reputation he shows nothing but respect. His attempt to rescue Soren at the end shows the depth of how much he cares in such a short space of time, only to be crushed by her 'curing'.

Jonathan Frakes is a big fan of the episode but feels that the show would have taken on more poignancy had Soren been played by a male actor, with nothing else being changed.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick