10 Best Robin Episodes Of How I Met Your Mother

8. Zip, Zip, Zip

How I Met Your Mother Robin Sparkles

Zip, Zip, Zip marks the first real Barney and Robin episode. While Marshall and Lily hide out in the apartment's bathroom so Ted and Victoria can have some intimacy in a hilarious B plot, the episode's primary plot sees the future couple having a night out just the two of them.

Surprisingly, the two get along really well. Robin loves laser tag, knows just as much about cigars as Barney, and helps him pick up women. However, the night takes a less fun turn when, after Barney and Robin go to her place to play Battleship, Barney makes a move on her.

Robin turns him down, confessing she has feelings for Ted. In yet another surprise, Barney is on board with it, and keeps Robin's secret. Against all odds, Barney becomes one of Robin's most supportive friends.

Zip, Zip, Zip is just the tip of the iceberg that is the Barney/Robin pairing, but it shows how funny and sweet the two can be together. Watching them destroy ten-year-olds at laser tag and find dates together is a little too funny.

Looking back at this episode after The End of The Aisle, it's easy to see how the pair could one day become the couple everyone loves so much.


Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.