10 Best Sex Education Episodes
The best episodes from the most underrated show on Netflix.

Can we all just admit at this point we all love Sex Education and go forward from there? The Netflix series has been a huge hit and in many ways is very informative for its younger audience, though its levity might also negate that factor a bit.
The journey of the students of Moordale High is nothing if not fascinating to witness, their interconnectivity and vast myriad of relationships has been refreshing and important for the moment we are in, as well as making for a great binge-watch.
It may stick to some of the tropes that have come before it (such as Otis & Maeve's odd-couple/will they won't they dynamic and Isaac's snake move at the end of the second season just when you thought it was going to work out) but it has a great amount of heart for what it is and imbues its characters with some wonderfully complex emotions along the way.
It isn't just the teenagers either, most of the adults have issues one way or another and are all trying to make it look like they all know what they're doing for the sake of their spawn.
Sex Education is unquestionably a great show, but which episodes were the best? Well, we ranked the top 10 for you.
10. Season 2 - Episode 4

This episode marks the moment where Eric and Adam's relationship became something a bit more. Smashing things up together might not be your usual declaration of love however, it is for these two as they cement their feelings for one another by battering old TV sets and junkyard scrap.
Meanwhile, Ola wants to have sex with Otis and he is trying to make sure everything goes right, that is until Maeve finally tells him that she wants to be with him. After the non-starters of before, to see Maeve actually tell him how she feels is great to watch, as is his predictable but well thought out reaction.
It upended the series because they had now admitted their feelings but the resentment over their prior actions had grown to be an issue. It was a moment we all waited for and knew wouldn't go well the first time - ala Ross & Rachel again.
After this Ola tells Otis that he can't hang out with Maeve anymore, which makes her more unlikeable in the eyes of the viewer. Fortunately, her character arc doesn't allow her to fall into that clichéd paradigm.