10 Best Sex Education Episodes

7. Season 1 - Episode 4

Sex Education

The whole episode is worth it just to see Jackson perform a huge song and dance number to get Maeve to go out with him.

Otis tries to set Jackson up for the fall when he lets him know that she likes grand gestures when she really doesn't. Though this backfires and Maeve agrees to go out with Jackson in the end, leaving Otis crestfallen.

We all feel what Otis is feeling here since we'd all probably do the same thing and sabotage Jackson in that situation.

The scene in the pool with Maeve and Otis did let the audience know that there was definitely something between them though, something unspoken but real. As she caressed his eyebrows, the tactile moment said more than the dialogue ever did.

It's the most outwardly funny episode in some ways, and watching Otis try and set up a guy who outwardly oozes confidence was engaging, as you hoped it would go the way he wanted it to go.


Matt N hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.