10 Best Sons Of Anarchy Characters Who Only Appeared In One Episode

8. Karen Oswald (Judith Hoag)

Stephen King Sons of Anarchy

Karen Oswald is the wife of local businessman and mayoral candidate Elliot Oswald, someone that the Sons (specifically Clay Morrow) rely on heavily for help and local influence. Karen is only seen the once, in the third episode of the series, where a truly terrible assault is committed against Elliot and Karen's young daughter, Tristen, at a fairground brought in by a travelling group of carnies.

Elliot and Karen try to keep the police out of it, while Elliot asks the Sons to investigate the crime and bring him the perpetrator. The Sons (despite being gun-running and occasional drug-dealing criminals) are naturally appalled at the crime and get to violent work in finding the attacker, but for this, they need to ask a few questions of Tristen. They decide that the best course of action is to send Gemma (Jax's mother) to gently ask Tristen a few questions. As Gemma does so, she is confronted by Karen.

Judith Hoag provides a passionate scene opposite Katey Sagal's Gemma to both deal with and deny her grief over what has happened to her daughter. The attacker is eventually found and... well... what do you think ends up in that package?


Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'