10 Best Sons Of Anarchy Characters Who Only Appeared In One Episode

7. Nate Meineke (Tim DeZarn)

Stephen King Sons of Anarchy

An old friend of Piney (pictured), Nate Meineke served in the Vietnam war with several of the First Nine bikers and was one of those soldiers who didn't feel welcome back home. He turned to being a survivalist out in the woods with his small clan, including his own reckless son, Russell. Piney notes that Russel seems to have more clout in the group of survivalists than his old man, but sells them a cache of weapons anyway.

Unfortunately, Nate and Russell then use these weapons to attack local police, killing one officer and two innocent bystanders while liberating one of their own from the back of a police van. Since the weapons used could well be traced back to the Sons, if any of them were captured by law enforcement in the future, Piney decides that it might be best to deal with his old friend permanently. Soon after, Nate reaches out to Piney, asking to buy more weapons since his militia are planning on moving south to Mexico.

Piney agrees, then he and Opie instead provide them several bags of explosives, which they detonate when the militia are gathered together.


Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'