10 Best South Park Celebrity Cameos

6. Bill Hader

South Park Elton John
Comedy Central

Bill Hader (AKA America's sweetheart) has actually appeared in multiple episodes in multiple roles, and he's also served as a producer on the show. When popping up in a voice role, he's usually credited under the alias, True List.

Hader's first voice appearance was in the season 15 episode, "You're Getting Old". You know the episode. It was the one that ended on a SUPER somber note and made you wonder if South Park was coming to an end. He played one of the farmers (pictured above on the right) who tried to save Randy's britches from being furiously defecated in.

He later appeared as Alec Baldwin in the season 17 episode, "Let Go, Let Gov", and that same season, he featured as Plex, a member of the Yo Gabba Gabba crew, in the episode "Taming Strange". In said episode, he sang a song called "Don't Show Your Strange On TV", an anthem about the dangers of... well... showing your strange on TV.

He also voiced Tom, a former newsman, in "Sponsored Content" and its follow-up, "Truth and Advertising". He even voiced Ike in a few episodes - namely, the episodes "#REHASH" and "#HappyHolograms".


Dustin is your friendly neighborhood historian, nerd culture enthusiast, and professional wise-ass. Some of his favorite pastimes include writing, philosophizing, and antagonizing stupid people.