10 Best South Park Characters Only In One Episode

9. Larry Feegan

Trent Boyett South Park
Comedy Central

Trey Stone and Matt Parker found a surprising amount of success with their Broadway musical Book of Mormon. With this newfound experience, they capitalised by bringing it into the world of South Park, essentially making the episode Broadway Bro Down to advertise it.

The central narrative of this episode revolves around Randy writing his own Broadway show, but the hilarious B-plot tells of the adorable Larry Feegan, the vegan child of a new family in town. Little Larry ends up developing a massive crush on Shelley Marsh, even singing a song for her as she helps him become more confident.

He is drawn with rosy cheeks and animated with a hilarious run that quickly makes him endearing, and viewers become heavily invested in seeing him and Shelley come together.

One of the best moments comes when he removes the life-jacket his parents force him to wear in case of danger, which is an incredibly cathartic moment for him. It only becomes funnier after Randy inadvertently causes a flood during Shelley's date with the vegan boy, which results in him drowning. If only he'd been wearing a floatation device.

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