10 Best South Park Episodes 

8. All About Mormons

south park The Death Of Eric Cartman
Comedy Central

No one is safe from the reaches of South Park. The show has openly mocked every organised group, religion, race, nationality and anything else that separates people. In most cases, every subject gets the same amount of teasing, but it seems that Matt Stone and Trey Parker do prefer joking about Mormons - as seen in their movies, Broadway musical, and the South Park episode, All About Mormons.

In this chapter of the show, a new family called the Harrisons move into town. This family unit happen to be Latter-Day Saints - otherwise known as Mormons - and they soon start getting a reputation, as anyone who tries to confront them ends up being completely thrown off guard by how charming they are. Alongside this is a retelling of the founding of the Mormon religion by Joseph Smith.

Part of what makes this episode so scathing and hilarious is that they don't make anything up. The joke is based on the genuine beliefs held by the Mormon people. Yet while they make fun of the religion itself, they are very generous in their depictions of the Harrisons, making them out to be genuinely lovely and tightly-knit as a family.

It's an incredibly witty episode that pokes fun at religion, highlights the Marsh family's dysfunctional nature, has a real point to make about being a decent person, and features an incredibly catchy song.

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