10 Best Star Trek Episodes That Revisited Other Episodes

8. Course: Oblivion And Demon

Star Trek Trials And Tribleations
CBS Media Ventures

One of the darkest episodes of Voyager was Course: Oblivion, where we learned the fate of the biomimetic lifeforms, the Silver Blood, from the episode Demon.

These aliens were able to create near-identical copies of Voyager and the crew. They agreed to let Voyager leave the planet in exchange for samples of their DNA, which the Silver Blood used to create copies of them in order to experience life. In Course: Oblivion we learned that these lifeforms soon produced a Silver Blood copy of Voyager as well, then left their planet and forgot that they weren't the real crew. Unfortunately, they needed to stay on a Y-class planet to survive, and their bodies soon began destabilising.

Seeing these duplicates slowly realise that they were, in fact, not themselves was truly heartbreaking. We watched as the crew slowly died off in an effort to find a planet to settle, but were unsuccessful. Eventually, they detected a signal from the real Voyager and, just as they were about to reach them to tell them their history, the Silver Blood completely disintegrated.

Course: Oblivion was a great follow-up to Demon, as well as one of the most depressing stories in Trek history.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.