10 Best Star Trek Episodes That Revisited Other Episodes

7. The Unification Arc

Star Trek Trials And Tribleations

Shortly after Gene Roddenberry passed away, The Next Generation aired a very special two-part episode featuring the return of Spock.

In Unification parts one and two, Spock was feared to have defected to Romulus, but the Enterprise was sent to investigate and soon found that he was actually on a mission of peace to reunify the Vulcan and Romulan people, who had split off generations ago.

His actions were ultimately unsuccessful by the end of the episode, but we got the sense that many Vulcans and Romulans were becoming open to the idea of uniting once again.

We thought that the story would be over with that, but Discovery actually gave us Unification III in it's third season. After Discovery travelled to the 32nd century, they learned that Spock's efforts were not in vain. In fact, centuries after Spock's supposed death and the destruction of Romulus, the two cultures joined together and eventually came to share the planet Vulcan, renaming it Ni'Var.

Apparently, Ni'Var left the Federation after the Burn, so Unification III focused on the crew's struggle to rebuild trust between Earth and the newly unified Ni'Var, in hopes of them releasing information about the Burn.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.