10 Best Star Trek Pets

1. Porthos

Star Trek

Almost every captain of the Enterprise has had a pet dog at some point in their careers. However, Captain Archer of the very first Enterprise brought his dog Porthos with him everywhere including the historic first voyage of the Federation's flagship.

Porthos is an adorable Beagle that is easily the best character of Enterprise. He has the most screen time of any other pet in Star Trek and for good reason. He had a deep love for cheese and anything else he can eat. Although Doctor Phlox kept complaining that Archer shouldn't be feeding Porthos cheese as it upsets his stomach.

Porthos even gets a mention in the first of the remade Star Trek films. That version of Scotty tells Kirk about how he accidentally transported Archer's favorite dog into deep space never to be seen again and that's why he was exiled to a remote ice planet.

In the main cannon, Porthos was Archer's loyal companion for years. Fighting against alien viruses and Commander T'pol's allergic reaction to the puppy's fur to become an essential member of the crew and the show.

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