10 Best Star Trek Pets

2. Spot

Star Trek

Cats are one of the few furry companions that made it into deep space with their human counterparts, though this specific cat is a companion to someone who isn't human. Lieutenant Commander Data brought with him a golden cat name Spot who would spend most of her time lounging around Data's room or exploring the halls of the Enterprise.

Spot didn't get along with many of the crew. Most notably she scratched Riker's face when he was taking care of her one time, and it turns out Lieutenant Worf is allergic to cats. But she cares for Data and in a strange turn of events, the Android grew very fond of his pet too.

This feline is also one of the few Star Trek pets to save the entire crew. At a time when everyone was devolving into reptiles, including Spot and the other pets, she gave birth to her litter which was unaffected by the pathogen and remained cute kittens. Thus showing Picard and Data how to cure the crew and save everyone.

Spot has even returned from the dead in the Picard series. The son of Noonian Soong created an artificial Spot which he named after Data's favorite crewmember.


Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.