10 Best Star Trek Villains In Only One Episode

6. Charlie X - The Original Series, Charlie X

Kyril Finn

This little brat.

Robert Walker guest stars as Charlie Evans here, the young man who was raised for fourteen years by the Thasians. He is the ultimate in problem children, a troubled young man with the powers of a god.

There is no remorse in this creature. He has been raised with unbelievable powers, enabling him to dominate any situation that he finds himself in. He can make the crew members of the Enterprise disappear and reappear at will. When he hears the raucous laughter of a group of friends, he silences them and walks away unconcerned. A hand then blindly feels its way along the wall, followed by its owner - Charlie has removed her face.

His powers also extend over great distances. The captain of the Antares, the cargo vessel that delivered Charlie to the Enterprise, messages from just inside communication range, attempting to warn Kirk of the danger aboard, but Charlie casually destroys the vessel with his mind.

Once his powers are revealed, Charlie drops all pretense and proceeds to take control of the vessel. He is frightening not simply in the range of his power, but in his lack of maturity or control. If he wants something, he can take it. If something offends him, he can wish it away. His comeuppance is delivered not by the actions of Kirk and crew, but rather by his adopted family of Thasians. They take him away, leaving the Starfleet crew in the knowledge that, this time, they were hopelessly overpowered, and by a seventeen year old at that.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick