10 Best Star Trek Villains In Only One Episode

4. Redjac - The Original Series, Wolf In The Fold

Kyril Finn

This character was created by the same man who wrote Psycho, Robert Bloch. This episode is downright frightening.

Redjack is able to possess minds and bodies, though this is not truly revealed for quite some time in the episode. There is actually cause to suspect Scotty, however briefly. As the episode opens, he is recuperating from an accident caused by a female co-worker and was suffering, according to Kirk, from a resentment toward all women, which is of course perfectly normal, right?

So. in this scenario, when a woman is found dead in the fog and Scotty is found to be holding the knife that killed her, it seems an open and shut case. More bodies stack up, as does the evidence against him. When the killer is revealed to be a disembodied entity that feeds on fear, the true spirit of that fear is examined.

Redjac, or Red Jack, once took the form of Jack the Ripper on Earth. As the Ripper was never caught, there is little to disprove this theory. Bloch's version of the killer being instead a force that moves from person to person examines the nature of evil - how does one fall victim? Scotty was suffering an issue with a woman, thus becomes the target.

Hengist, while revealed as the host, is shown to be increasingly volatile and short tempered. Three women are killed in the course of the episode, easily targets for this monstrous evil. It may have been destroyed, but it could still be dormant in space, waiting.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick